We gift you ETH for Spirit Tokens.


Spirit Tokens and the goal:

It was meant to teach people, they can create their own NFT, launch it, and sell it for work provided and then based on ranking show your value and work on the internet. NFT is the future of talent. Remember that. I hope this is the start to many ideas around this concept. Once we get this legally approved and open the sale of Spirit Tokens on OpenSea, the ability to choose to get gifted in Spirit tokens is totally up to you. We exchange for ETH, if you choose. Use as many spirit tokens as you feel your service requires for your service offering, its or version of earn to “whatever”, but actually benefiting the efforts of Wild Lips and the one’s providing services worldwide.

  • If you gift us Spirit Token NFTs directly, we give you gifts of Ethereum in allotments of 1000 Spirit Tokens.

    • 1 Spirit Token = .01 ETH Gift from Wild Lips

    • 1000 Spirit token NFTS = 10 ETH gift from Wild Lips

    • e.g. Astrology Session = 3 Spirit Tokens

    • If you are in the US and earning more than $14,999.99 in ETH value from Wild Lips in gifts via this exchange or any other major gifts, you will be required to fill out proper tax paperwork for ETH to be sent over.

If you decide to use the Spirit Token, Follow the directions below to redeem ETH as a gift for using the Spirit Token for your services:

  • Make sure to send only Spirit token NFTs in allotments of 1000. We will not pay any extra ETH or round to the nearest anything. Exact Tokens only please.

  • Send your wallet address and contact information in the form below and make sure it matches the same wallet address we will receive the Spirit tokens from.

  • Once you submit the form, please send your Spirit Tokens to the following eth wallet using OpenSea Gift option ideally 0x581835b7873E0c0581d8008B7E54a70178Fe3c58

  • We will only send you ETH for real Spirit Token NFTs from the Wild Lips Collections on OpenSea.