I failed as an NFT but uncovered a unique idea…Decentralize yourself, and get hired globally.
Connect with everyone; professionals in every industry that embrace the crypto & NFT world as real payment for the gig economy of services, either post your profile with us or not. We dont care. Just do it.
Hiring Decentralized Talent
Pricing to hire. Not up to us.
The community can be paid in anything they request via crypto or NFT for private sessions or any work services based on the profile pricing model on their wikiListing community profile pages. Wild Lips does not control prices.
Each expert or professional on this site will create a relationship with whomever and Wild Lips is strictly a community of hiring for two parties to meet.
Payments & gits are sent directly to those you hire.
The Spirit Token NFTs, one of the many ways to fund this global hiring initiative.
Independent Hiring Policy
We do not control those you hire or what they charge and your relationship is independent of Wild Lips, LLC.
Everyone should not experience burn out & should always feel well compensated for their time. This is a self contained culture, we need to respect everyone’s time dedicated to the community of global hiring.
Experts, Professionals & Gurus
All who are hired are independently hired by others and are not hired by Wild Lips, LLC.
Our Community of Decentralized Talent
We are here to unite all under one platform and allow everyone to become decentralized and hired by anyone by any currency, gift, nft, crypto, we dont care. We are just the community to get everyone hired.
Welcome to decentralized hiring 3.0 community: Find anyone you want….motivational speaker, Digital Design, Math, yoga instruction, tutoring in a multitude of subjects, healers, astrology, Reiki/energy, shamanic & spiritual work of all sorts, meditation, geniuses in special industries and professions & other expert practitioners from around the world.
Our Helpers
Dan Mordechai
Project Founder
Head of Community Review -
Tharusha Thishakya
Hirusha Keshan
Expert Review Team
Community of recruiters
24/7 reviewing all applications of experts.
The MeditatingGurus NFT Collection
How we fund this hiring experience…NFTs.
1st Generation
Meditating Gurus
Specially invited to private Discord channels (UltimateMaster, & GuruMasters) & other future invite-only experiences.
The idea behind this collection was to bring all religions and people together to meditate together and become one.
2nd Generation Spirit Guides
Entrance into invite-only sessions in our GuruMasters Discord Channel.
We are donating 10% of the Royalties of all NFTs to the community - for anyone that participates with Wild Lips, even the slightest bit.
These ETH gifts will start be sent out each year on the 31st of December. To earn gifts, we will require you to fill out proper US paperwork.
Go to Earn Royalty Gifts on this website at the time of gifting season.
Spirit Token NFTs
Our community can pay experts & professionals in any way but experts also have an option to use the Spirit Token NFTs as well.
Spirit Tokens are one cool way to pay yourself in NFTS. This NFT can be used to compensate or fund the project.
Spirit Token NFT Rewards
Our Spirit Token NFT focuses on funding the Wild Lips project & thereby you will get a fantastic gift for all holders of 20,000 tokens or more.
NFT Holders of 20,000 Spirit Tokens will be gifted 1% percent of the Total Royalties of the Wild Lips Collection when proper US tax paperwork is filled out.
Wild Lips Platform
When I created NFTS, I realized, there was a huge community of talent out there. This site is here for you. Feel free to fund our project by buying our NFTS, but , honestly, come here to find work to decentralize yourself and get hired, please!
The Founder’s Wild Lips NFT Art | These NFTS will be for sale on Opensea in Fall 2022
Founder’s Roadmap to Decentralized Hiring
That is between you and the individual in the community you hired. Not us. Sorry.
No matter how or what the situation, Those who are hired are paid directly by community members and all business and relationships are between you and your person hired. If you have any issues, please go to the proper channel on discord to get in touch with Wild Lips immediately and complain and feel free to see our Terms and Conditions page for more details. We will also be adding review pages soon on experts so we can make sure everyone is happy and take proper action if needed.
Find someone you like, connect and hire. Its easy. We are just a listing page.
All details will be on each persons profile. who are allowed to change pricing based on their market value within their realm of expertise at anytime in order to keep gurus compensated on the platform for the community based on cost of living, family bills, life, etc.
Please go to the Discord Channel labeled: complaints.
All experts and gurus get to take control of their life forever and who hires them and what happens. Enjoy.
We will send out gifts as Ethereum wallet gifts once a year starting on December 31st to the Wild Lips community.
There is a page dedicated to gifting questions : Earn Royalty Gifts.
Yes, Wild Lips NFT holders will be invited to group experiences that others around the world will not be allowed to access.